{Granola Babies} The amazing woman behind the store | Long Beach, CA

Last summer when I was pregnant, I stumbled upon an incredible store, Granola Babies that homes ALL things for the natural mother and child. I came home with an amazing belly balm that I used throughout my pregnancy (and was stretch mark free...so I'll thank the balm) and a wooden chew toy for my future teething babe. Since then, I have come to know the owner on a more personal level and have grown to adore the 'Granola Mama' behind this fantastic store. 

To read more about the store, classes, services and Giselle, the lovely owner, check out her website and her blog for updated topics and classes! Giselle was in need of some new head shots and I was more than happy to help her out!

{Twig & Willow} mother's day event | Long Beach, CA

If you have ever come to spend any time with me from out of town, chances are I have
gotten you out of bed one morning for one of my favorite weekend treats...breakfast and some 
twig and willow.  This boutique is all things feminine, beachy, bohemian chic, and what every woman, at every age, needs to feel that little bit of something special. 

That's probably why last Saturday so many smart fellows were flocking to 4th street to find that one gift that would be a sure fire win in the hearts of the mommy in their life. I was terribly honored to work this fun shopping day with a little photo op outside the store. Karen and Billie are two incredibly talented and inspiring women, and as a working gal who strives to cultivate an art I love and clients who feel the same, I totally adore and appreciate them.

{Billie and her darling little Olivia}

Another stellar member of the twig and willow team, Celia and her beau.

Thanks so much for a wonderful day, appreciating mom's and enjoying your fantastic clientele! Here are a few fun shots from the day, can't wait to see you gals again!